There is a perfectly good explanation for my prolonged absence from this blog. Remember when I did that information session via videochat with prospective volunteers at University of Miami? No? Well I did that and it was a lot of fun. I got to talk about Madagascar, my work and hear how different PC life is for two other UM alumni currently serving in other countries. Anyways, while I was in the big city using fast internet and living the life in order to do this videochat, my computer finally gave out. No idea what happened, but PCVs' electronics have a knack for just throwing in the towel during their two years in Madagascar. Bottom line, writing a new blog post was sort of put on the back burner for a while. In Madagascar, it's hard enough to get electricity to use a computer. Then, once you have electricity it's even harder to find a way to get internet on said computer. Then, it's even harder to find internet that won't take a few days to load a webpage. Needless to say, all of this becomes exponentially more difficult without a computer. Nevertheless, here I am, back to entertain you with yet another installment of my Gasy adventures...
How bout that library, eh?
Library is cruising right now. A few weeks ago I finished classifying an insane amount of books. I honestly had no idea it was going to be that tedious or take me that long to do. As of right now, I'm not a huge fan of Dewey or his decimal system. Here is a small look at a section of books in the library (they are all sitting in organized, alphabetical piles all over the floor of the library).
Finally, the third and final trimester of my two year Peace Corps service will begin upon my return to Ampasimanjeva. I could get all nostalgic right now, but I'm planning to be here for another here, so we'll wait on that post for a little while. Speaking of being here for a little while, extension papers and application forms have all been sent in. No volunteer is guaranteed an extension if he/she applies, but I am hoping I will be approved. My Peace Corps supervisor went with me to talk to my future boss in Manakara a few weeks ago and it seems like everything is a go, provided I am approved and that there is a house for me to live in. A few weeks ago, this future boss showed me a house where I would live in a small room (no problem, already used to that) with another family (not used to that, but it could be an adventure) right across the street from the lycee in Manakara (perfect location). Unfortunately, the man of the house smokes like a chimney (deal breaker) so we have to go back to the drawing board to find another location. If they don't find anything then I still could be coming home in September.
I just got back from my second vacation to Mauritius since I arrived in country. The first time was with my parents back in September and now this past week and a half during Easter. I went with 6 other volunteers and we had a great time. Sorry, I didn't take any pictures. Partly because I'm lazy, but mostly because everyone else has cameras so I figured I would just look at theirs, right? I'm sure I'll get their pictures before I leave this country and sometime in the future I will let everyone have a looksie. It was great though we: saw museums, parks, waterfalls, went ziplining, kitesurfing, snorkeling, did excursions on the water, and much more. We spent a week and a half in the land of electricity and things. Now, we are back in Madagascar. We'll see how this transition goes.
That's all for now. Back soon, computer permitting.
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